Hollywood should know by now that if you dumb down a dumb film in the sequel you are heading for disappointment, There was lots of action and explosions but I found myself very bored and fading in and out of the film, The dialogue and acting was even worse this time round, The story was so predictable I had no love for it, I didn't mind too much that Ice Cube took the main role but he does nothing to make this a good movie, The first was goodish because it was dumb fun but this one is just dull and unimaginative.
'Sentiment: Neutral 😑'
Unnecessary sequel about ex-Navy SEAL-turned-imprisoned convict Darius Stone (Cube)—court-martialed years earlier for attempting to overthrow a four-star general (Dafoe) during a black bag operation—who's recruited by NSA agent Jackson to become the new XXX and thwart that same general—now the Secretary of Defense with his own agenda. Obvious and by the numbers the film manages to throw out enough loud action scenes and cheesy one-liners to be some fun, but it's awfully derivative and fails to distinguish itself from the standard action genre. Works fine if you're just looking for a rush, and can accept a hackneyed plot with a cardboard Cube in the lead. **
'Sentiment: Neutral 😑'
It was an improvement if compared to the first xXx. the action was better than the first one and also the graphics were better. Though the story line was not that great just like the previous one. They should really work on their script creating skills. The start was amazing and was looking that it can be a good movie but as we came nearer and nearer to end the movie started getting worse and worse. Whoever wrote it might have to do lot of editing for the ending and doesn't look that he was able to find the perfect one he was looking for.Overall by experience of watching it was average. I hope they work on making a better one. As the concept on which the series is based is not that bad. It just need a good script.